Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) - Planning Ownership Succession for Your Business

Owners often have to be jolted into recognizing the need to engage in succession planning. This jolt might come in the form of a medical crisis, the defection of a key employee, or in some cases a third-party demand. Occasionally lenders, surety companies, suppliers, customers and franchisors tell business owners to either implement a succession plan, or they will terminate the business relationship due to inadequate succession planning.

When considering succession planning, many business owners are aware of the three most traditional options: sell to an Outsider, sell to an Insider, or what we call a “till death do us part” strategy. However, though it has existed for more than 35 years, an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is an unsung hero of succession planning strategy. While each of the strategies mentioned above can be the best fit based upon a business owner’s situation and goals, few business owners are aware of the ESOP option and its many benefits.

Join us Tuesday, April 19, 2016 for our Webinar:

ESOP Basics - Register

Date: Tuesday, April 19
Time: 11:00 AM - Noon Central


Kelly O. Finnell, J.D., CLU, AIF
Executive Financial Services


Kelly is one of the premier ESOP consultants in the U.S and is the President of Executive Financial Services. He is the author of the highly acclaimed book, The ESOP Coach. 

(901) 259-7979


Shane Mahmood, SVP
Allegiance Capital Corporation


Shane is SVP of Operations at Allegiance Capital, a premier investment bank headquartered in Dallas, TX. Allegiance assists entrepreneurs with every aspect of selling and financing their business.

(214) 217-7710